If your child fits the descriptions, see what other parents have to say about this technique...
Game 1
In this game, your child will learn:
==> How to write a story that makes him stand out (After this, your child’s English teacher will eagerly look forward to reading his next composition… even if he has a “doctor’s handwriting”)
==> The fancy art of using an idiom or proverb to emphasise a point… This is not only impressive in compositions but also when speaking to others. (Even other parents will be impressed by your child's way of expressing certain ideas)
Game 2
In this game, your child will learn:
The secret
“Library of knowledge” strategy that will
make your child seem very
well-read to others. (If he does this well, his friends
might call him a “walking wikipedia” and your friends might call him
"very knowledgeable and matured for
his age.")
wit skills that will make your child appear
more knowledgeable and persuasive…
even if he’s not always 100% correct (A very useful skill
for presentations)
to leverage on others to expand his vocabulary. He’ll learn
a plethora of new words (like plethora) and know how to use them
naturally in speech and writing.
Game 3
In this game, your child will learn:
=> 1 ridiculously simple exercise that will instantly make your child recall all his keywords just before a test (It takes barely 2 minutes to do this mentally and he can even do it while waiting for the teacher to distribute the test paper)
=> 18 words to prepare before any composition test that will instantly impress the marker... and how to use these 18 words correctly. (Your child doesn’t even need to know what the "compo questions" are beforehand)
=> What
lawyers know about quick comebacks that most people don’t know
(This will not only help your child produce solid arguments for
compositions but also be a fast
thinker in difficult situations)
Game 4
In this game, your child will learn:
The “Pokemon”
memory technique that will make your child vividly remember
every important keyword for his exam… even
if he has a horrendous memory now (One student of the
course could never remember keywords for Science but after
learning this technique, he now calls
himself a memory guru)
The “Sweet wrapper” technique that will transform even the
most boring subject into something your child won’t mind
learning. (This prevents him from
getting restless while studying)
Game 5
In this game, your child will learn:
==> How to spot hidden meanings in any comprehension passage.(This will be so clear to your child, he wouldn’t even need to “read between the lines”)
==> The #1 easiest way to understand confusing terms… whether it’s a scientific terminology or just a bombastic English word
==> A little-known strategy that will make sure your child never “blanks out” during an exam (This will save both time and marks)
Contact us to find out more about how these 5 games can help your child learn better.
During the debriefs for the 5 games, we will also touch on:
- How to use context to understand words or phrases you’ve never heard before (It can be embarrassing at times to be the only one who doesn’t understand what’s going on. This tactic will make your child never feel that way again)
- The “Fast and Furious” tactic to drive through any exam paper. (Never again will your child leave blanks in his paper because he doesn’t have enough time)
- A Math HOD’s secret to solving any tough question - Her own teachers use this technique (But they don’t teach it in school)
- The confidential reason why teachers sometimes give you less marks than your friends… even if your answers are better (And how to never get the short end of the stick)
- 7 mistakes most students make when preparing for a test… and how to avoid them (Your child will jump 1 grade up by just avoiding 4 of these)
- The “Jigsaw shortcut” to turn any essay into a model essay that’s graded A for sure (Has the teacher ever asked your child’s classmates to read his composition? Now your child might get this experience)
- 2 weird study drills I noticed while teaching a top IP student (He’s guaranteed a place in Raffles JC and he hasn’t even taken his PSLE yet. These are the 2 study drills he swears by)
- The 1 thing every oral examiner is looking out for (Once they spot this, they’ll immediately put your child in the top band of students)
- Why “Practice makes perfect” is horrible advice… and what to do instead (A lumberjack should not constantly practise how to use his axe to cut a tree. He should learn how to use a chainsaw instead)
- 1 tradition started by college students in the US that allows them to learn more from each other than what the lecturer teaches (Another reason why having the right group of friends is important)
- Why reading the textbook before exams is a big mistake... and what to do instead
- A vetting practice that reduces 99% of careless mistakes (A lot of marks are lost in exams due to careless mistakes. This will give your child 99% of those marks back)
- How to zone in on the specific answer to always get the mark. Once you master this, even the most fussy teachers will accept your answers (90% of students miss the mark occasionally. Here’s what the other 10% know)
- The “Carnival challenge” that brings out your child’s hidden problem spotting and problem solving skills (Useful for school and life)
- How to understand the dynamics of any group of people and fit in well - This is great for group projects (Or any social setting for that matter)
- “Reading books vs XXXXX” Why most teachers are wrong when they recommend reading books… and what to do instead (Hint: This improves your grammar and vocabulary so much faster than reading books)